The Estada Diapir. Estadilla – Estada

The route starts in the village of Estadilla at the foot of the slopes of the Carrodilla range. We head for the “Fuente de los Doce Caños” (Twelve Spout Spring) a park, picnic spot, spring and lavoir that we come across after a short downhill stretch along the road. Previously we will have gone past a vantage point from which we can see the whole of the Cinca valley with the Pyrenean peaks in the background.

From the “Fuente de los Doce Caños” we take a track to the right between mud brick walls that separate small fields and vegetable patches. During this part we walk parallel to the “Barranco Mazas” (Mazas Gully), amongst thick riparian vegetation, using stepping stones to cross small irrigation channels that flow into the gully.

Upon reaching the HU911 road, we cross the gully using the road bridge, from where we can see the “Puente de los Baños” (Baths Bridge) where we can find an information panel that reveals the secrets that these miraculous waters conceal. After crossing the gully we take another tree-lined footpath between Nettle and Walnut trees.

This path ends at the service track that runs parallel to the “Canal de Aragón y Cataluña” (Aragon and Catalonia Canal). After crossing the canal we carry on along the track that goes up to the village of Estada.

Information request
Abejaruco europeo
Araña tigre
Búho chico
Garcilla buyera
Sapo común
Type of itinerary: One-way trail
Estimated time: 1,5
Distance: 2,4 km
Elevation: 89 m
Physical difficulty: Low
Technical difficulty: Low

The route sets out from the Town Hall Square in Estadilla and ends in the village of Estada. It is 2.4kms long.

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